Best places to take a nap on campus
Sam Maller | Staff Photographer
A student takes a snooze in Panasci Lounge.
College kids are terrible at getting enough sleep. This makes naps more than necessary. If you live off campus like many Syracuse students, then you have to get creative to sneak in naps during the school day. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to find a cozy, semi-private spot to catch some sleep. That’s where Pulp comes in. Here are the best places to nap on campus.
In the back of 3Fifteen, right by the entrance of Café Kubal lies a wonderland of plush recliners just waiting to be napped in. A quick snooze in one of these will rejuvenate you enough to grab a cup of coffee from Kubal and get to your next class on time.

McKenna Moore | Staff Writer
Whitman Team Rooms
If you are lucky enough to snag a coveted Whitman team room and feel like being a jerk by taking one up by yourself, then this is a perfect place to nap. Turn the lights off and put your back to the door so no one can see you drool.

McKenna Moore | Staff Writer
Panasci Lounge
Perhaps the ultimate nap location, Panasci offers comfort and little judgement. Anyone in Panasci is there to get away, so they aren’t looking at you and they don’t care if you snore. If you were previously unaware, Panasci is above the Schine Student Center. The entrance is to the left right before you enter Schine dining hall.
Dick Clark Studios
Located at the back of Newhouse 2, Dick Clark Studios is a cushy, scarcely populated haven for nappers. There is rarely anyone on the couches or in the comfy orange chairs that line the hallways. So spread out, watch an episode on Netflix and get your beauty rest.

McKenna Moore | Staff Writer
Crouse Hinds
There are tons of little cubbies built in to Crouse Hinds perfect for a midday nap. Cuddle up here for maximum privacy, minimum judgment and prime comfiness.
Published on November 16, 2015 at 11:37 pm