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Duck: Bethany Bump

Bethany Bump
Asst. News Editor, Spring 2009
News Editor, Fall 2009
Managing Editor, Spring 2010

I spent my undergrad in a run-down house full of questionable furniture, crude signage, 11 p.m. dinners and 30 other people. My few marketable skills include knowing the difference between ‘over’ and ‘more than’ and a penchant for spotting dangling modifiers. I spent my undergrad at 744 Ostrom. The evenings, the tireless nights and the sunrises — they were all worth it.

Meredith: Your devotion to this place was truly admirable. I may laugh at your lame jokes, mock your crazy behavior and make snide remarks in the corner, but I can’t begin to tell you how much I respect you. There were times I felt myself grow tired of the late nights and trying to ‘manage’ people, but when that happened you’d be surprised to know that I always asked myself, ‘What would Meredith do?’ This paper would have fallen apart without your leadership, and most importantly your integrity. Good luck with everything outside of 744. And remember, just keep grindin’.

Shayna: You are the reason I ever worked for The Daily Orange. Your passion, your drive, your no-holds-barred method to news and all-around ass kicking is what inspired me on a day-to-day basis. I can’t thank you enough for giving me the confidence to do this job and for being the editor I looked up to. I was always proud to call you my mentor. You were what helped me stick with it — just one more day.

Katie: You work harder than anyone I know. You’re tireless and an amazing leader. I have unwavering confidence in your ability to lead The Daily Orange. I can’t wait to see them fabulous front pages out and floyin’ around campus.

Julia: I’ll be glad to say I knew you when, when you land some amazing job with the incredible talent you hold as a writer. I aspire to write the way you can. My favorite job in this place was as an assistant with you.

Sara: Dear, you were a beautiful soul at 744 that won’t be forgotten. This place is a little sadder without you, and a little less music-filled. You have true talent, and I have always had more confidence in your abilities as a newshound than you have. Don’t let anything hold you back.

Rebecca: Where’s my coffee, bitch? You know you’ll miss me now that I’m gone. Just think: If I had only stuck around longer you could have really perfected that bean-to-water ratio just how I like it. All jokes aside, you’re a damn good editor. You’ve never been afraid to call it like you see it, and that’s a great skill as an editor. You always called me out on my sh**, that much I know. Keep rockin’ the newsroom.

Kathleen: Girl, you belong at this paper. You have a wonderful drive for your job, something that is rare on this campus. It’s something that I grabbed onto when I saw it. You have enormous potential. Do your thing. I know you’ll do it well.

Beckie: I’ll miss your late-night quasi-drunk ramblings. We are lucky to have one helluva news team. You’re tireless. You’re passionate. You want it. That’s all that matters, and that’s what will make you a fearless news editor.

Tyler: Hey, co-managing editor! We made a great team, if I do say so myself. I envy your effortless ability to write amazing stories. Go conquer the world with that talent and keep on truckin’.

Carly: You are one of those unique people who, from one encounter, you know can change the world. It may have been a rough ride, but the potential you have — and not just as Carly the Photographer but as Carly the Wonderfully Decent Human Being — is enormous.

Brittney: Who (Or whom? You tell me) else do I know that talks in her sleep about AP style? You’re enormously hard working and humble, and just a great talent that The D.O. is lucky to have. I hope you’re not cringing at the misplaced commas I probably just inserted in this.

Lauren: You single-handedly resurrected Op. Write more, you’re hilarious.

Conor: I really can’t imagine The D.O. without you in it. Or my Gchat status without your tampering. Good luck with everything.

Ben: We may have shared half of a spring together within 744, but a girl never forgets her first co-byline. ‘For many Syracuse students, Election Day is their first chance to be part of a decision the entire world is waiting for.’ Pretty sure that headline was longer than our entire story. Thanks for sharing Jack’s Mannequin with me, and for telling me my story was good that one time you edited me as an assistant, and for just being all-around crazy fun to share a work night with.

Bill: You smell. What does your hair look like under that hat? How are you such a peaceful human being? You’re just awesome. That’s all I know.

I don’t think anyone was ever as scared of a 5-foot Maria Qualtere as Larry Seivert was. I know I’m still a little scared of you. Thanks for being a part of the newsroom with me.

Luke: Thanks for making my job infinitely easy as NE. You still owe me a Secret Santa present.

Spring ‘09 News: Things may not have always gone smoothly (ahem — I remember certain people falling on the floor at 3 a.m. in hysterics), but you were my first family at 744. I remember it like it was yesterday. Thanks for all of it: coyotes, sick briefs, lumberjacks, group chat, Herbie’s angel.

Fall ‘09 News: That semester was a blur, to be honest. Here’s to robberies, SA politics, swine flu and — sh** — what else did we write about again? Whatever, we rocked. Somehow you guys kept me sane, and I can’t thank you enough for all of your hard work. FRESH FACE.

I’ll be around.


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